Tony Liberta, Portfolio Manager and Senior Intelligence Trainer, leads Celestar Corporation’s training efforts within the DoD, DoS and International Community. His duties include developing strategies in which to expand upon Celestar’s experiences in developing and delivering training that is realistic, relevant and timely. He also manages Celestar’s IT efforts at ten locations in five states providing support to the US Navy Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN).
Mr. Liberta holds a Masters of Science of Strategic Intelligence (MSSI), in which he was also voted by his peers to receive the Non-Commissioned Officer Association (NCOA) Award for Leadership and Academic Achievement.
Mr. Liberta retired from the U.S. Army in 2011 after 20 years of service. His key assignments include; Analysis and Control Element NCOIC 10th Mountain Division; ARCENT G2 Forward NCOIC, Riyadh KSA; Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Director of Analysis, DIA, where he also held the post as President of the DIA TOP 3 Association; 1SG B CO 532nd MI BN; Iraq National Police Transition Team NCOIC; and USCENTCOM J2 Operations International Programs NCOIC. He has deployed in support of Operation RESTORE HOPE, Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, Operation ASSURED RESPONSE, Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR, Operation JOINT FORGE, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Operation NEW DAWN and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.